Akela Intérim
Employment Agency for temporary and permanent staff
Akela Intérim, a temporary employment agency opened in 2000, specialising in skilled staff for the construction and environmental sectors, has become a key player for clients working in these sectors. The agency can provide temporary staff, manage the associated work contracts, and put forward candidates for permanent posts.
The agency draws on a large portfolio of reliable and experienced temporary staff, developed over the years. Responsive and enthusiastic, the agency team is able to match the skills and competence of available candidates to the requirements of its clients. Akela Intérim maintains the high standard of its portfolio by offering regular training to its temporary staff throughout their careers.
Provision of temporary staff
Akela Intérim guarantees a well-targeted and highly specialised supply of temporary workers to satisfy client requirements. The agency can supply staff with experience in the following jobs :
Civic amenity centre agent, forklift driver, HGV driver, construction plant machinery driver-operator, painter, external works, roads and services worker, labourer, service technician, digger, staff plasterer …

Work contract management
Akela Intérim manages the temporary employment contracts once staff have been recruited, taking care of the administrative formalities such as legal declarations, contract, payroll, etc.
Recruitment of permanent staff
Akela Intérim can also handle the recruitment process for permanent staff, from defining the job description through to publishing advertisements and carrying out interviews, to find the most suitable candidate for the job.

As a small company with a human touch, Akela Intérim offers the following advantages:
Attention to requirements : The agency analyses the needs of its clients and carries out each recruitment process in a personalised manner, through visits to sites and meetings in the agency offices in La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire.
Security : Akela Intérim provides its temporary workers with a PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) package: construction site helmet and noise protection. safety shoes, safety glasses, high-viz vest, gloves.
Flexibility : Akela Intérim can be sure of the loyalty and availability of recruitment candidates by maintaining close and friendly relations with its temporary staff.
Ethical concerns : Aware of its social responsibility, Akela Intérim is careful to ensure every respect for its temporary staff, and ensure total compliance with current legislation: each temporary worker is unique.
Looking to the future : The agency’s team is updated on labour legislation and recruitment procedures through regular training and can reply knowledgably to clients’ questions and concerns. At the same time the team members are able to progress in their own careers by increasing skill levels.

Key strengths
Well-targeted recruitment
Professional approach
Rapid response

Akela Consulting has two branches in France :
– La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire, Val-de-Marne (94)
– Nantes, Loire-Atlantique (44)

Akela Intérim
137, bd de Champigny
94210 La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire
Tél. +(33) 01 55 97 06 38
2 agencies
Head Office
137, bd de Champigny
94210 La Varenne-Saint-Hilaire
Tél. +(33) 01 55 97 06 38
Nantes Branch (Western France)
60, route de Clisson
44200 Nantes
Tél. +(33) 02 85 52 18 50
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